Intrusion Detection and Perimeter Management

Perimeter Intrusion Detection (PIDS)
Perimeter Monitoring
Perimeter Control

The core of the MultiSense system is a network that is distributed along the perimeter boundary. It consists of a chain of Nodes that communicate 24/7 in real-time to the centralised MultiSense Hub. The Nodes allow for different sensor types to be connected. This design flexibility enables sensors to be “Mixed and Matched” anywhere along the perimeter boundary to address variation in the perimeter structure or integrate perimeter access points such as gates, barriers, turnstiles or bollards.

The data collected by intrusion detection sensors is centrally analysed by the Hub. Carefully refined algorithms and cross-correlation techniques taking all distributed sensors into account enable MultiSense® to reliably differentiate between environmental influences such as rain, snow or hail and intrusion activity such as cutting or climbing the perimeter barrier.

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